BGA turned 13 last week. Wow, it's really weird to have a 13 yr old in the house. She is really wanting to assert her independence ("WHY can't I stay up later? ") and it's interesting to see what she wants to do with it. I have started seeing independence at school. BGA just recently finished volleyball season at school and she has an upcoming tournament to finish the season so she was going to have practice last week after school. The coach fell ill so BGA called and said, (quote) "Mom, you don't need to pick me up right away. You can wait for LGA's bus (LGA is on the special ed bus) and then come pick me up, ok?" Me: "Um you will be outside waiting for me and I really don't want you to wait for me." Her: "It's ok mom I am playing volleyball in the courtyard with some girls. Come after LGA's bus." Wow. I did and she was there waiting for me. But it's weird to think of her doing stuff like that, not my 6 yr old who came home to us all angry and not having many friends. She's branching out in 7th grade and has some friends and interests. It's nice for me to see, for sure. She's grown so much. I looked at her volleyball pics (I would post but would have to black out the school info, if I can figure it out I will post) and she looks SO grown up. It's hard to see because I miss that 6 yr old girl but also good to see how mature she is and the nice conversations (when she's not mad at me and rolling her eyes and sighing at me) that we have. :-)
We had a great birthday celebration for BGA. She did not have a party (she's just starting to have some friends after a few rough starts over the years, mainly being teased because of her red hair and freckles. This year it has seemed to click for her finally). But we went to see Big Hero 6 or whatever it's called on her birthday and went to a local pizza place that serves pizza in the NY style which she loved. We went bowling the Monday (which the schools had off that week for Veterans Day) when Dave was off as well, then finished the week off with presents, dinner (meatloaf muffins, her choice) and a nice size chocolate cake. I think she liked it.
I celebrated my birthday last month as did Dave and we had Halloween. Had a Ghostbuster (BGA) and a Vampire Princess (LGA). I didn't want to do the candy thing as LGA had been taking candy from I think end of school (that tells you how I kept forgetting to get rid of it) and stashing it in her room (till we had an ant invasion and Dave discovered a whole bunch of candy wrappers, etc. behind her bed and the ants freaked her out) out of the cupboard. So I decided I didn't want to do the candy thing (in the past they have traded it in for toys, last year no one wanted to this year I just decided to forgo any and all candy) and have her have the temptation to sneak it. SO we went to dinner and then let them go to Chuck E. Cheese in costume to play as they offered free tix to those dressed up. They had fun but did say after they wished they had candy. One of Dave's co workers sent home two gift bags with a small amount of candy in them so they were all set for a bit of candy and I know they got some from school.
Life has been interesting with a few twists and turns over the last couple of months but we are getting through it.
Hoping you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday whatever you do, whoever you are with and that the day is peaceful for you all. Dave works right up to Thanksgiving day even this weekend. It's the busy time for his company. I have no idea when the tree will go up as I am not really in the mood for one 10 yr old and one 13 yr old to fight over who puts on the decorations (even though they each have their own room tree to decorate). So we'll see how inspired I get.
Here are some pics from the newly 13 yr old's bday, mine and Halloween costumes. Enjoy!